WW2 M1923 Colt 45 magazine pouch.


Quick Overview

American WW2 M1923 twin magazine pouch for the M1911A1 Colt 45. This is the standard magazine pouch issued in WW2 to all US troops, it is designed to fit onto the M1912 pistol belt and has a press stud on the belt sleeve so it can be clipped securely in place onto the press stud on the front of the M1912 pistol belt.

American WW2 M1923 twin magazine pouch for the M1911A1 Colt 45.

This is the standard magazine pouch issued in WW2 to all US troops, it is designed to fit onto the M1912 pistol belt and has a press stud on the belt sleeve so it can be clipped securely in place onto the press stud on the front of the M1912 pistol belt.

Flap is secured by a single pull the dot clip.

Holds two 7rd Colt 45 magaznies (magazines not included).

Replica made in the correct OD #3 which is also called khaki or tan. This is not the late war dark green colour.